The Sea of Life
I am in the sea and swimming towards my destiny only a few more meters, it seems I smile as I come closer 'keep swimming' I mutter and in an outward glide my foot gets tied To float I know not how to see what holds me back I bend down tis an anchor, a rope to it is tied and the other end to my foot is ensnared I raise my head above the water and see the shore yonder I must go down to untie myself from this anchor that is keeping me fettered away from my destiny and far from where I want to be. I look around me trying to find help all I can see is nothing but kelp no one close by to hear my cry how to get out of this predicament I know not how the rope tangled to my foot seems tied tighter now! I must find a way out of this Everyone else think all's swell that things are going so well I can't be bothered by their own dilemmas But that's where they are wrong because I'm weighed down wit this ..this Kong! All these issues and no one has even offered to give me a ti...