
Showing posts with the label lovers

Valentine's Day

Love...what is love? Love is seeing that old lady carrying a heavy bag, and rushing forward to help her with it - unconscious action to aid another person . Love is sitting in a bus and waiting two hours for it to fill up, then giving your seat to a woman with a baby on her back, because the remaining space is not condusive for her. Love is knowing your friend is very low and cash, and taking action to help out by sharing the little you have . Love is ensuring that those around you are happy, by doing all you can to make life better for them . Love is praying for people around you - even those that you cannot remember their surnames, that all their needs be met, each and every day. Love is knowing you might not achieve all you set out to do in a day, but also knowing that helping others reach their goal is even better than if you had. Love is keeping a smile on your face for others to gain warmth from even though you are sad. Love is self-sacrificing . Love is all-encompassing . An...

Come Home

Sorry, had to vent somewhere... Come Home "I am tired of all your lies," she said."I am tired of all your pretending, of what you have turned me into. I am tired of all the acting like everything is okay." "What are you saying," he asks. "I am saying that I have spent the last 25 yrs loving you, serving you, and being your wife. But I cannot continue to live the lie of the last five years. I cannot go on pretending that I know you anymore." "Are you saying its over?" he asked. "No, its not my place to say that. Its your decision." she replied. "Okay," he said calmly. "Bye." "Bye," she said, and dropped the phone in its cradle. Look back, think to the beginning, when they started off with nothing. In the beginning, when all they had was each other, when it was struggle and struggle. Look back to the middle, all the hard times, when they had to do without, when she lost the pregnancies, when the ext...


Yesterday The Beaver sent Vicky to get me in the office, telling me to close early. It turns out he wanted Vicky to drive Lily to pick his niece in distant Nassarawa state (she's in boarding school there). Everytime he wants to use Vicky, he insists I be there. When we got home we met Vicky's parents. Mum wanted to check somethings online. When I opted out of going with Lily, The Beaver insisted I go. Like I'm some bait to use Vicky (this is not the umpteenth time) to do his bidding. When we got back and everyone was taken care of, Vicky and I sat back in the car for about two hours and cleared all the cobwebs that had began to accumulate between us since the last time we were together - alone. The Parliamentary session was closed eventually with a kiss. Closeness: means being intimate with someone else. There are varying degrees of closeness, between siblings, between parents and their offspring, between friends and between lovers. The last one is the most intense, and the...