
Showing posts with the label struggle

Come Home

Sorry, had to vent somewhere... Come Home "I am tired of all your lies," she said."I am tired of all your pretending, of what you have turned me into. I am tired of all the acting like everything is okay." "What are you saying," he asks. "I am saying that I have spent the last 25 yrs loving you, serving you, and being your wife. But I cannot continue to live the lie of the last five years. I cannot go on pretending that I know you anymore." "Are you saying its over?" he asked. "No, its not my place to say that. Its your decision." she replied. "Okay," he said calmly. "Bye." "Bye," she said, and dropped the phone in its cradle. Look back, think to the beginning, when they started off with nothing. In the beginning, when all they had was each other, when it was struggle and struggle. Look back to the middle, all the hard times, when they had to do without, when she lost the pregnancies, when the ext...