Expiry Date
Imagine what happened yesterday as I was going home. Due to the fuel hike, there were no kabukabus (for those of you that don't know, kabukabu is usually a small car that the owner uses like a sort of general taxi and picks passengers within a route) so I took a bus halfway. I alighted, and took another bus (that doesn't sound right somehow). Then the alarm for my medication started ringing. I quickly signaled an ice cream vendor and bought the first one I could see - strawberry yogurt. He cut it and handed it to me, and i threw my pills down my throat (For those battling with malaria regularly, try artesunat. Its very effective - this is the first time I got it back this year). I look down at the yogurt in my hand and my eyes fell on the expiry date: 24/06/07. I was pissed. Not because I had been duped, but because the vendor was actually aware that it had expired. People, if I was not in Nigeria, I would have gone to the pains of reporting the guy to the Consumers Satisfactio...