
Showing posts with the label daystar


via Instagram Scars are reminders of battles won. Your painful memories should be scars, not channels for bitterness, pain or anger. Wonderful service today @daystarng and as usual Pastor @thesamadeyemi was on point. #marriageandloveseries

Christmas is coming

Its that season again, when the whole world marks the birthday of Jesus Christ . While I am not too comfortable with all the symbolism and how so many things have been commercialized about the season, I love the way December seems to draw families together. It also forces everyone to slow down their pace, rest and relax. Resting and relaxing seem like luxuries, especially in a country where taking a vacation is made to look like you are not a serious human being. Most adults tend to 'work until they drop'. Its not a good situation, as the medical reports at this stage is not good. At this time of the year, most churches have Christmas Carol programs lined up. Daystar Christiam Center was not left out. The booking takes place online. This year was no different. Something struck me though: the portal was opened at 12 noon. After 3 minutes all the spots had been taken. Three minutes!!! I was amazed. I could just imagine over 2000 people poised over their keyboards, wait...


I know this is a bit old here but, I had to do it! 3 things that scare me - not being successful , getting fat , and not making heaven . 3 people that make me laugh - Vicky , my father , and Olumide Lawyer . 3 things I love - God , reading , and writing . 3 things I hate - snobs , pride , and malice . 3 things I don't understand - life , women , and cars . 3 things on my desk - JAVA tutorials , Mobile Computing tutorials , and 3 Unfinished novels . 3 things I'm doing right now - writing , listening to music , and cooking . 3 things I want to do before I die - Birth and raise identical twins , write 50 bestsellers , create a multi - million dollar exciting JAVA game for Nokia phones . 3 things I can do - create websites , make bead accessories (from jewelry to baby teether to bags) and write . 3 things you should listen to - God , Pastor Sam Adeyemi (Daystar Christian Centre - google it. They even have life broadcasts) , and Positive thinking tapes . 3 things you should never l...