
Showing posts with the label Instagram

Techies make me smile

via Instagram Still at #WordPressMeetup #Lagos. Sitting among techies makes me smile

Song by ORU

via Instagram Another song that's been moving me lately. Amen


via Instagram I've been playing this song nonstop since @aramideogedengbe mentioned she went to their concert. I love it so much. And it totally describes how God pulled me out this time last year and showed me love. Believe me when I tell you that God's love is overwhelming, never-ending and reckless.

Don't fret

I wrote that in 2012. Little did I know that a huge storm was waiting for me in 2014. I still believe this is true, and because God has helped me I will continue to help others. This is for someone out there: #Godhasnotforgottenyou #Godhasaplan #letgoandletgod and watch him turn all your tests into testimonies. Don't fret. via Instagram

WordPress is 15!

via Instagram More fun at #wp15 @WordPress 15th anniversary. There's a child in all of us 😇

Self love matters

via Instagram You see that ever-smiling ever-laughing ever-grinning attitude I have? It's in the genes.

What should top your priority list

via Instagram #Life is top on the priority list. Choose #Life and #peaceofMind if you find yourself in a toxic marriage. Reach out - God will always send a helper.


via Instagram Scars are reminders of battles won. Your painful memories should be scars, not channels for bitterness, pain or anger. Wonderful service today @daystarng and as usual Pastor @thesamadeyemi was on point. #marriageandloveseries


via Instagram Your peace of mind and self-worth is very important. Without it, so many things will not work no matter how hard and long you try #believeme #ihavebeenthere #wasntworthit

GTBFoodandDrink 2018: TigernutRepublic

via Instagram Met the versatile and gifted yesterday too. The kiwi tigernut mix is awesome! I bought the avocado chilli sauce too - I'm told it's not out yet. Feeling #priviledged #gtbfoodanddrink 2018.

GTBFoodandDrink 2018: Datesweeteners

via Instagram Did you know it was possible to use dates as sweetener? I never thought of it! Met @date_sweeteners just now and walked off with the chocolate date jam. #gtbfoodanddrink 2018

GTBFoodandDrink 2018: Oh So Nutrition

via Instagram At the @ohsonutrition stand. Lovely quinola salad! #gtbfoodanddrink 2018

Love needs nurturing always

via Instagram #Truth #loveneedsnurturing always.

This year

via Instagram #blogpost #thisismyyear #thisismyyear2018

Most important life lesson

via Instagram The most important life lesson is captured right there in the image: every relationship teaches you something. Either it shows you what you don't want, or it gives you what you want.

Another MSG-free Sundaylunch served

via Instagram Another #MSGfree #Sundaylunch served. Thanks @abosede.sobodu and @seuntaylor for the inspiration. That #goatmeat sauce though...wish I could lick the pan without raising eyebrows 😂 #FastRepost from @abosede.sobodu by @fastrepost_app ••• Feeling a little under the weather today but that didn't stop us from having an awesome lunch of crepes with some goat meat sauce. Thanks @jibirises . Join us pls.... #crepes #lunch #sunday #foodie #brunch #sunday #goodfood #goodafternoon #pasta #healthyfood #foodlover

Congratulations to my dear cousin

via Instagram Congratulations to my dear cousin @alotaiwo on receiving this prestigious award. Jehovah shall continue to elevate you in Jesus name AMEN. #proudofyoucousin🎓❤️ #FastRepost from @alotaiwo by @fastrepost_app ••• I thank God for favor and I am humbled to be the 2018 Erroll B Davis jr. Black Engineer of the Year. Thanks to my left ventricle @beecye, @oladi_olada for the money shot and @geekrestored @goodideas4ever and Dapo for supporting #beya #blackexcellence

#Family #familyiseverything

via Instagram

About Last Sunday

via Instagram

You can Smile

via Instagram You can smile, when you can't say a word. You can smile, when you cannot be heard. You can smile, when it's cloudy or clear. You can smile anytime anywhere. - Children's song.