Back...and getting ready!
I am sure I have lost most of whatever following I had cultivated. Its not that I didnt hae anything to say, just that I had not been able to log onto the net. Over. So, I am getting ready to fly down to Lagos to attend the two weddings of the century - for those of us that attended ASHS anyway! And I can't wait! But I have to finish the work in front of me before I go. Arrrrgh! ASHS stands for Adventist Seminary High School, which is now Babcock University High School. One of the weddings coming up has both of them - bride and groom as alumni, from the days the school was started, and to think they started their relationship just after they entered college. It makes me wonder who the cynic was that said love does not last. Cos if I back date it, the relationship started in 1998 or thereabout. Its almost 10 years now, and they are not only still together, getting married! Who said love cannot stand the test of time? They have also been separated for long periods of time - about 5 y...