The seventh day of the seventh month of the ..

Saturday is going to be the seventh day of the seventh month of the two thousand and seventh year. Very significant, to Christianity here in Nigeria, at least. Churches are holding programs on that very day, but we Seventh day Adventists hold all Saturdays sacred. Sacred as in we worship on that day and try to keep it holy.
Now I am not going to enter the nitty- grtty of religion, or sect or the Bible.
All I just want to say is that wherever we are, let's try to do some good on that day.
Let us reach out to someone on that day.
Let us bless someone in some way on that day.
Let us go out of our way to put a genuine, heartfelt smile on somebody's face on that day.
Let us assume the role of an angel to someone on that day.
We will never know how far a little bit of kindness can reach,
but we will always know that we did some good in the world, this millenium.
The next time we'll get a day like this again is 07-07-3007.
If you know you'll be around then, no problem.
You can let it pass.....

But i know I wont.
So I am going to try my best to pray for somebody, bless somebody, and make somebody smile on that day,
the seventh day of the seventh month of two thousand and seven.


Kafo said…

sooo much symbolism


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