Option B

Well, I decided to be obedient to my Dad this time, and travel to Lagos by road. He is so scared of the airplanes in Nigeria, and CNN does not make it any better with their overblowing up of stories. But I had to go and see at least two of my clients first, to notify them that I would not be in town for a while. I agree with my Mum, why not stay in Lagos and finish everything they want me to sign, whenever it comes up? Why not wait for the call - up letter before going back to Abuja? It made sense to stay for as long as it would take. But I had a major problem. I just got this internet connection for myself, twenty-four hours, from Reliance Telecommunications a.k.a RelTel. I paid ten thousand naira for a month as an Abuja resident, and since I was going to Lagos, it just might not work there. I was worried about that.
Anyway, I spent the whole of Wednesday seeing my clients, and submitting another proposal somewhere else.
Then I told Vicky, who wasnt too happy to hear that I had to travel again, and to return at an indefinite time. He came over to the house that night, and just kept sighing and sighing so much that I had to ask if all was well. He's been overworking himself lately, and its not helping matters in school as he can't find time to for his mini projects. I keep telling him that the Ministry would live without him, but he always replies that someone has to do the work.
Anyway, I'm digressing.
Conclusion: Trip compulsory. Travelling by road.


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