Apology to a friend

Starting from the last line where you said, 'that is all' -

No my dear, that is not all

We have a lot to talk about,
a lot to catch up on,

We have a lot to hash up,
we have a lot to forgive of each other.

We have come a long way,
and like trees planted beside each other,
we have grown apart.

It was inevitable,
and inimitable,
but the thing is,we are still friends.

We have a lot to look back on,
a lot to smile and laugh about,
a lot to argue about.

There is history for us,
and we also have one more thing...

We have the future to build a stronger friendship

We have tomorrow to ensure that we stay close,

we have learnt from the past
and we have the rest of our time on earth to ensure that nothing comes in between.

We have a long list of memories to weave - our weddings,
our children's naming ceremonies and graduations, and a lot more.

We have TIME...that is if you are willing to take my hand in friendship

I'm waiting.....


Kafo said…
i am soo going to call you
for real this time

for real

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