Welcome to November

Welcome to November!
This is a special month for me, for several reasons.
I have special friends that celebrate their birthdays this month. I also have my cousin's wedding anniversary this month (remember that sweet cousin of mine that I had to lose weight and be fit, for her wedding? That's the one. They celebrated 9 years of marriage this month. They have come a long way...)

November also brings to us NaNoWriMo! NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. It has blown into a global initiative, and the enthusiasm is very very catching.
Its simple really - all you have to do is write 50,000 words this month. Yes, that's all. Sounds easy right?
Ok, I saw you re-read the previous line. Its 50, 000 not 5,000. That's fifty thousand.
Ok, I will stop scaring you now.
NaNoWriMo has a website that helps to gear you up, before November, and push you through to the end. With lots of encouraging captions, and an easy way to log your progress, the site claims to be able to help you get to the finish line without giving up.
There are also community forums that you can be a part of, depending on your region, and you can have buddies to share things with.
Your story can be written in any language, but it has to make sense - I can picture some people writing the same word over and over again, just to attain that gold.
There is lots of swag to buy from, and you can also donate to the cause.
Did I mention that joining NaNoWriMo is free? Yes! Free as in free beer and free lunch.
Your story is yours to keep - in fact they insist that you do not save it on their site. Save it elsewhere.
All you are asked for, is an excerpt and a description.

The last time I wrote in NaNoWriMo was in 2014. So, in the spirit of NaNoWriMo, I decided to create my first work in WattPad, and work on it, towards the challenge. Wattpad is a community for writers. They say it best:

Here is an excerpt to my story, Dawn's Joy, below:


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