
Valentine's Day

Love...what is love? Love is seeing that old lady carrying a heavy bag, and rushing forward to help her with it - unconscious action to aid another person . Love is sitting in a bus and waiting two hours for it to fill up, then giving your seat to a woman with a baby on her back, because the remaining space is not condusive for her. Love is knowing your friend is very low and cash, and taking action to help out by sharing the little you have . Love is ensuring that those around you are happy, by doing all you can to make life better for them . Love is praying for people around you - even those that you cannot remember their surnames, that all their needs be met, each and every day. Love is knowing you might not achieve all you set out to do in a day, but also knowing that helping others reach their goal is even better than if you had. Love is keeping a smile on your face for others to gain warmth from even though you are sad. Love is self-sacrificing . Love is all-encompassing . An


From time to time, I will be putting up observations of life in Naija like this.......ENJOY IN A TRAIN IN A NEW YORK SUBWAY, a young man who entered at the last stop searches for a seat. He notices a heavily - made up woman sitting with her large bag (because she could not have been able to carry it for long on only one hand)...on the seat beside her.He approaches her and stops right in front of her, bending a little to speak to her. Young man: Good day Ma'am. Please is the seat taken? Woman: No its not. You can have your seat. Young man: Thank you very much Ma'am. IN A MOLUE BUS IN OSHODI, LAGOS, a young student enters as the bus keeps moving and walks the aisle quickly, in search of a seat. He spots one in a row in front, and heads there immediately. An old fat woman is seating with her large sack (Super Bagco super sack) right on the seat beside her. Student: Abeg madam, I wan siddon. Woman: where u wan siddon? For hia? Go find ur own seat jare! Student: madam

My pets of 2007

I'm about to let go of my pets of 2007, so please do not laugh at me. At one point or the other, these animals stayed in my house ( I really mean compound, but Bunny did stay in my room for a while). So here goes.... The first is Chuck, That plastic pail that's upside down is actually a 20 litre paint bucket, so you can imagine how big Chuck was. He was the tallest chicken I have seen so far. The second is Cruz (don't ask my why but that's the chicken's name), and he barely lasted a week. The day he was slaughtered, he refused to eat, as if he knew what was coming. He was always clucking and clucking around the backyard. The last but not the least is Bunny, the lovely active rabbit I chose from the brood of six that my grandfather was keeping then (He made a lovely soup that he kept trying to entice me to try from them at christmas). Bunny chose me actually, he was so active, he practically jumped on my extended arm. He was born domesticated as well - it didn't

To drive or not to drive

Well, I am still yet to meet one of the top bosses at work, but generally, I think I have settled in. There is a lot of reading to do however. I hope I can catch up, and eventually make myself useful. School work is very very far from what I am seeing in the industry. Being a website developer and manager, did not expose me to the world of programming like I have seen since last week. And I am beginning to fear that my mother's analysis is true: I might get so engrossed in the job that I might start to neglect other parts of my life, namely family, fitness and Christianity - actually HER. I thank God that I'm already on the journey of spiritual growth, and that I am in a fulfilling understanding relationship, cos I don't know if I would have created time for that after I get into the "groove" of the software industry. APOLOGY: TO THOSE NOT IN THE COMPUTER SOFTWARE ARENA. SORRY FOR BORING YOU IN THIS POST. I PROMISE [TO TRY] NOT TO DO IT AGAIN. About the car - well

NYSC: Finally got a job

I have finally gotten a job. In fact, I resumed on Thursday. And I was relieved, because the state director himself announced that if a corper was not posted by the second week of January, the person's file would be sent back to Abuja (head office) and remobilized (which means, reposted to another state, another job etc). I got posted in the second week. Thank God. On resumption, i was woken up. Yes I mean figuratively, not literarily (gotcha, Xi!). I thought I had knowledge - a passing knowledge of some processes, until I was given a sound lecture on what technology is all about RIGHT NOW. I am still in the Jurassic era, and I shudder to think of all the sleepless nights ahead of me, while trying to catch up with the rest of the world. I hope Vicky will not suffer for it - as in communication and everything, because, as I see it, no more late night calls for me. God is my strength. my most favorite slogan right now was stolen from Diamond Bank: Where you are going should look noth

BIG CHUNK OF TIME: seven years

Where were you seven years ago? Well, I will tell you where i was. I was at a crossroads of some sort. i had just finished my high school education and didnt really know which way forward. It seemed i was going to be a daddy's girl and read medicine like he wanted me to. But I look back now and wonder how i would have turned out if I had. As God would have it, I read Computer science - a course that i did not come in contact with until after my high school grad. I read it in a public university and ended up spending six years doing a four year course thanks to the incessant strikes and disruptions in our school calendar. Recently I went to my alma mater - Babcock University, for a visit. It was so.....different. Everything had changed - the school, the university - everything! I didnt know anywhere anymore. i went with my brother, and it soon began to look like I was the prodigal personm, because it seemed at every five steps, i encountered my juniors from high school, who were in


"Why are you so uptight?" she asks him, sitting opposite him to better view his face."I'm not uptight," he replies, but keeps looking at everything else but her. "I came here to talk to you, to see you and to ask you a few questions," she continues bravely, unable to hide the sadness at what he had become - a silhouette of himself. Taking his silence as an indication to continue, she asks, "Why are you irritated with me? What could I have possibly done wrong that I did right the last 20 yrs? I've been taking care of your assets, your children, your family, for the last 5 yrs. I've been standing up for you, defending you, and covering up for you all this while. What did I do wrong?" He sighs. He shakes his head. "People told me I was a fool to leave all my life's work in your hands, that you would go away with it in the end. They were right because now you are talking of leaving me, when all I ever wanted was to make life bett

Trip Home

Well, firstly, MERRY CHRISTMAS IN ARREARS!There, I know its late but better late than never, you know.I went to my mother's hometown, to attend my mum's cousin's housewarming party. They are wealthy, and I don't even mean Nigerian wealthy. I mean really wealthy but not filthy rich yet (the husband's 50th birthday party was aired all through Nigeria). So, they just finished their second house in their hometown, after building two mansions in Lagos. Its tastefully furnished and well - planned, something we have all come to expect from them. Now my cousins are really exotic - the girl barely stayed in Nigeria to finish her university education - she left in yr 2, went to London and made her mark, did her masters, and is now working for a reputable oil and gas company in ireland. She's got twin brothers, who are so similar and dissimilar at the same time. One schooled and now works in the US, while the other stayed home for his education, did [horrible] NYSC, and tr

Seasons Greetings

MERRY XMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR IN ADVANCE! I have been wondering at the sluggishness in the arrival of my xmas and New year packages, so I want to announce that I have extended the deadline for the submission is now 3rd January 2008! Hurry!


First of all, Happy New Month Everybody! I have been absent because I have been searching for a job. But I missed blogging so I ran back. I just finished watching Will Smith's "The Pursuit of Happyness" and I cried and cried, at the frustrastion illustrated there, then I cried tears of joy when he was given a ray of light in the midst of the darkness. I cried at his bravery in facing all the terrible things that happened to him head on. I cried when he had to lock him and his son up in a train station's toilet so the boy could sleep at night. I cried when he could not sleep. I cried when he beat the odds. Chris Gardner is one brave guy. Its a true story so I know he's out there somewhere. And I am grateful to him for telling his own story. No one would see him now in 2007 and think he had to fight to stay in line in a homeless shelter so he could get a decent bed for his son at night. No one would see his success and believe that he ever made an investment mistake

NYSC - national delay or service? Answer

I decided that the answer to that question is national service some weeks ago. Now I have changed my mind. It is National delay. After posting us (four corpers) for three weeks [an old secretary tells us to 'come back' with four working days interval, each time] the Railway Technical School, under the auspices of The Railway Corporation, Nigeria, decided that they did not need us. So, I have been rejected from my place of primary assignment. Just when I had decided that I could try my hand at teaching (six footers with baritone voices), and take some certification exams as well, I am told that the Nigerian Railway Corporation cannot afford to pay four corpers five thousand naira, and so we have been rejected. Nigeria we serve! Now I am looking for a job - seriously searching for a job. I am thankful

Come Home

Sorry, had to vent somewhere... Come Home "I am tired of all your lies," she said."I am tired of all your pretending, of what you have turned me into. I am tired of all the acting like everything is okay." "What are you saying," he asks. "I am saying that I have spent the last 25 yrs loving you, serving you, and being your wife. But I cannot continue to live the lie of the last five years. I cannot go on pretending that I know you anymore." "Are you saying its over?" he asked. "No, its not my place to say that. Its your decision." she replied. "Okay," he said calmly. "Bye." "Bye," she said, and dropped the phone in its cradle. Look back, think to the beginning, when they started off with nothing. In the beginning, when all they had was each other, when it was struggle and struggle. Look back to the middle, all the hard times, when they had to do without, when she lost the pregnancies, when the ext


I look out the car window and smile...Why am I thankful? I have just begun, really, but maybe....It is the end of something, and the beginning of another...I have just ended orientation camp, and have in fact come back loaded...with Malaria, Typhoid, Chesty cough and Catarrh. I am in the process of serving my country, for a year. And to make things more beautiful, I was posted to teach. But I am thankful..... I am thankful. Some people are serving their country at the war front. Some are serving their country by helping out at the tsunami relief spots. Some don't even have a country to serve, and are refugees who do not know if they would see the next meal. I am thankful. I have two eyes, two ears, two legs, two arms, ten fingers, ten toes, one nose, and one mouth. My mind is full of memories..... My life has been enriched with so many new friendships, so many experiences. I am thankful. I can still smile, nobody died in my absence, there was no coup to take over the government