
That bond we need

Sunday was the 34th wedding anniversary of my parents and I wish them both joy, peace and harmony in their union. Sunday was also my big cousins birthday. My love for sis lolly will never diminish because she is a big sister in deed. Some hours ago I got fixated on Michelle Obama. After pinning many of her outfits I realised that it's not really the dress, it's the woman wearing it that makes each style, simple or sophisticated, stand out. Then I considered the source of that self assurance, and realised again that it would most likely be tied partially, to the bond. There's a certain bond between Barack and Michelle Obama, that's almost a tangible force, almost a visible aura, when they are pictured together. This force is more present when it's just the two of them. I can imagine what living in the spotlight can do to a marriage, but theirs survived two terms in office. Their partnership, their friendship seemed to get even stronger. They didn't

Good Deed: Creative Food

Photo credit: Pinterest Late last month, two couples came over to see my mum. They had a major event coming up, three-in-one actually: their wedding anniversaries and the husbands' school alumni hosting. All on the same day.  They wanted to cook and host the alumni meeting at the house, and needed permission to do so. They also wanted the food to be memorable. I listened as they discussed the menu, and it included cole slaw. Now cole slaw in Nigeria is boring. Most usually it's chopped up cabbage leaves and carrots with cucumber and lots of mayo slathered on it. I just had to suggest something more creative. Why not use a juliene peeler this time? I asked. It would definitely give a new twist to the normal salad recipe. They did not understand what I meant, so I went on Pinterest and found a few pics to show them. They got excited before they realized they didn't have the peeler at home.  I have been looking for a good deed to do for a while now so I told th

5 Good deeds!

I just realized I am owing my Ironblogger clan, five good deeds, or 25 Euro! With this our economy ehn, where do I want to get that squeezed into my budget? I would rather do good deeds and help those around me. So, can anyone please think of something I could do, I am live in Lagos, but not mobile. Please share ideas!

Ironblogging - Blogging a week at a time

One of the results of attending CMS Africa 2016 in Kampala, Uganda , was the creation of an Ironblogger network, IBCOCO . The intent was simple: there is a huge huge benefit from having an online presence, for every business, and blogging frequently is one of the ways to achieve this.

Stacks, Mean or not

It took me a while to understand what 'stack' actually meant. When I realized that WAMP was actually a 'stack', I grasped it immediately.

Kunku App: African stories for today's kids

Do you remember Tales by Moonlight? Did you ever reminisce about all those folk tales that our parents and elders used to tell us, as we grew up? I remember that the tortoise was always up to no good, and the hare was always running and running and never making the finish line on time.

My first TEDx Event: TEDxYaba 2017

I'm an avid fan of TEDx event videos. It all started when my dad sent me Chimamanda Adichie 's ' Danger of a Single Story ' TED talk video link. Ever since then, I forage for more videos, especially about technology advancements, and try to grasp where the rest of the world is heading. I can't remember how I got to know, but the minute I found out I would be in Lagos around the time TEDxYaba would hold, I registered to attend.