

Its oozing out of the house right now. Its amazing how quickly death can snatch a person away from you, in the blink of an eye. We just lost a very good man, a man who, in four weeks would have become a father, a hardworking individual who struggled through life to reach where he got to - until yesterday. The man traveled to Ibadan, then stopped over to pick up his very pregnant wife, and maid, to take them home, when he was stopped by police men and asked to step out of the car. He did as he was told, and was shot to death the second he closed the car door. For apparently no reason. Upon reporting to the police, the grief-stricken wife was told that the men that killed her husband were not policemen, but thieves dressed in police clothes. But these men took nothing from them. Nothing at all. And he still spoke to his boss in the afternoon yesterday, giving him progress report on his duties, and postponing explanation till later in the night. He didn't know he would not see the ni

The seventh day of the seventh month of the ..

Saturday is going to be the seventh day of the seventh month of the two thousand and seventh year. Very significant, to Christianity here in Nigeria, at least. Churches are holding programs on that very day, but we Seventh day Adventists hold all Saturdays sacred. Sacred as in we worship on that day and try to keep it holy. Now I am not going to enter the nitty- grtty of religion, or sect or the Bible. All I just want to say is that wherever we are, let's try to do some good on that day. Let us reach out to someone on that day. Let us bless someone in some way on that day. Let us go out of our way to put a genuine, heartfelt smile on somebody's face on that day. Let us assume the role of an angel to someone on that day. We will never know how far a little bit of kindness can reach, but we will always know that we did some good in the world, this millenium. The next time we'll get a day like this again is 07-07-3007. If you know you'll be around then, no problem. You can

True or False

1. Wifey 2. Baby Girl 3. Side Piece 4. Jump Off 1) Wifey is the sexiest, most successful and most respected of all the women. She is loved, needed and wanted by her man...she is VIRTUALLY IRREPLACEABLE. She is the girl that the guy loves and will always love, he never wants to see her with another man....BUT he will cheat on her with Baby Girl until he is mature enough to realize that if he gets caught or fucks up in any way and loses Wifey, he would be screwed, and NEVER be happy again. Wifey gets along with mom, is independent, never nags, loves to dress sexy for her man, can cook and loves to keep a clean house. Wifey gets called 5 or 6 times a day. Drawback of Wifey, she loves public displays of affection...which might interfere with the acquisition of a Side Piece. 2) Baby Girl is ALWAYS just as hot as wifey and usually has a very active social life...she IS replaceable, thinks she's the next Wifey, but will only be Wifey if an extreme disaster takes place. Baby Girl gets some

Karma 2

Guess what? The person in question read my blog (Yes! He found it and read it! Imagine this small world, and that he actually knew it was him. Hmm...The conscience is a powerful thing). So to clear the air, he took the time to send me some off lines. Let's just say, the air is cleared, but it doesn't mean I'm deleting or editing the first Karma . Its stays kaput! As for NYSC camp, that is a really hot topic. The stuff that goes on in camp - just three weeks o, hmm.... Its amazing how loose they say people get, having sex everywhere - the matching field, the bush, everywhere! And they do it like there's no tomorrow - even married women. There is even one tale I heard of a married woman answering a call from her husband and asking about the kids while another guy was suckling at her breasts. Imagine that. Well I wont say much more than that, cos I havent gone to camp yet myself! So, come September, I will definitely try to notice everything (NOT PARTICIPATE O!) so that

Good Samaritan

Are there any more Good Samaritans in this world? Something happened to me today - I got to the office and remembered that I had to buy airtime onto the phone I use to browse. I dropped all, took some money, and practically ran to the store that sells the cards. I got there, placed an order, and then dipped my hands into my pocket, and drew empty. I traced my path back to the office, and noticed some oddities. There is a phone kiosk on the way to the store, and while I was hurrying past, there were a lot of guys standing by it. When I passed, they hushed up, and I was thinking it was because of my hair do (yeah I had my hair done on Friday, didn't want to enter the new month looking that raggedy). As I retraced my steps, I noticed that they were not there - only seconds later. Even the guard that I had greeted five seconds earlier had disappeared. It didn't take all of five seconds, all of it. And the money was gone. Thinking I had left it in my hurry in the office, I went stra

Let's Talk about it

Remember that old hit song that we were banned as kids, from even humming back in the day? "Lets talk about sex baby"? Well, I was thinking about things last night before I slept off and I realized that we, as an emerging, more educated older generation still have a lot of work to do concerning sex education of the younger ones. But the vital question is, How much do we ourselves, know ? Its amazing how low I scored in the Quizz on just now. There are so many things to learn about it, and some of us are so ignorant, that some teenagers in public schools in Lagos would feel on top of the world if they knew. We need to empower ourselves, not only to help ourselves, but to help the younger generation, who are browsing the Net at the tender age of 12 (Yes its tender here in Naija, and yes, give a child 100 naira and she'll be heading to a cyber cafe in the next five minutes). They are exposed to a lot of things like porn, and other terrible stuff. Do I


Turns out karma does exist. I had a case of the ex this morning. My ex calls from Holland and after all the 'hello's and 'how's the weather over there's, he surprises me by hashing up our history. See this guy and I had a relationship until he went for NYSC (that's Nigerian Youth Service Corps to those that do not know, and it is compulsory for every graduate). During the three weeks camp, I heard from reliable sources that he went haywire and decided to make sure those that donated condoms to the corpers didn't waste their there is a chance he might read this so i will cut it short. NYSC Three weeks camp is another issue for another day - someone please remind me, ok? He broke up in the nastiest way - he just cut communication. Just like that. I cried twice over him, before brushing away the tears and moving on. Now we are good friends - online. And he calls me today to apologize for all the wrong he did me, saying that the person he became dur


Someone just asked: how do you define chunks? No dictionary definitions o! Give heartful ones abeg! :D


When is it ok to finally say yes to a guy? When do reach the maximum fronting level for a guy, before saying, 'ok, I will date you'? Cos someone is fronting for my brother and its starting to itch me big time.....

Expiry Date

Imagine what happened yesterday as I was going home. Due to the fuel hike, there were no kabukabus (for those of you that don't know, kabukabu is usually a small car that the owner uses like a sort of general taxi and picks passengers within a route) so I took a bus halfway. I alighted, and took another bus (that doesn't sound right somehow). Then the alarm for my medication started ringing. I quickly signaled an ice cream vendor and bought the first one I could see - strawberry yogurt. He cut it and handed it to me, and i threw my pills down my throat (For those battling with malaria regularly, try artesunat. Its very effective - this is the first time I got it back this year). I look down at the yogurt in my hand and my eyes fell on the expiry date: 24/06/07. I was pissed. Not because I had been duped, but because the vendor was actually aware that it had expired. People, if I was not in Nigeria, I would have gone to the pains of reporting the guy to the Consumers Satisfactio

Chunks of Time

Time does fly by... It feels like yesterday when we made our first 'best friends forever' vow. Mine took place in high school. There are so many people that we come across everyday, that leave marks forever on the tapestry we call life. Some marks are scars, some are ugly, some cool. But there is no way anyone can live in isolation for a decade - no absolute way! The past decade for me has held a lot of things - joys, sorrows, deaths, births, happiness, graduations, meeting new people, and parting ways with a lot more. Its amazing how much we have contributed to other people's lives. Chunks of time - each one very valuable, are what life is made up of. The past is gone, but the future is there for us to fill, with a lot of things. Most times we let time just pass by, we do not make use of our chunks. Some people just sit in one place everyday, doing nothing. Some just go to work, and do the same monotonous thing everyday. Then when a decade has passed, they wake up and ask,

Well Dressed

Its when you feel you are in a place where no one knows who you are that you meet the most unlikely person. Like just now. I have been ill, and everyone that knows me know that I dress according to how I feel. I am still very weak, so I was wearing baggy clothes and my hair was done in a 1960's weave - trust me, the do BELONGS to that era. I go to the bank to pay in some money into someone's account, only for me to meet one of my hip hop 'sistaz' from Unilag (that's university of Lagos, for those that don't know). She was all dolled up and looking good, and she actually had to glance back twice before my face clicked. I felt like disappearing into thin air! My major problem is that my body weight flunctuates. Today I'm 60, if I travel and/or go to the school dorm and move about more, I'll reduce to 55 or 56. 55 is actually my most recent slimmest. Its really annoying because the clothes I take to my destination usually end up being a big baggy after thr


You should have seen me on Sunday. I was shivering like a jellyfish. It was not funny o. Those of you that have encountered malaria know how it can pull you down so fast, you would think you were drowning. I had to brace myself and look for a way to get medication. Then again, most malaria drugs do not work for me, and the most effective one - those that end with 'quine', I cannot take. Why? Because i react to quine. I start to itch all over, and cry, you wouldn't want to watch. Its crazy, but I once used a scrubbing brush to scratch my whole body - my Mum cried as she watched. This is why I avoid all quines. Then there is resistant malaria now. God help us all o. There is also cerebral malaria. And to make matters worse, I have been told that those with blood type, AA often get malaria. I wish I had more information about cerebral malaria - can anybody help out?