
Techies make me smile

via Instagram Still at #WordPressMeetup #Lagos. Sitting among techies makes me smile

Song by ORU

via Instagram Another song that's been moving me lately. Amen


via Instagram I've been playing this song nonstop since @aramideogedengbe mentioned she went to their concert. I love it so much. And it totally describes how God pulled me out this time last year and showed me love. Believe me when I tell you that God's love is overwhelming, never-ending and reckless.

Don't fret

I wrote that in 2012. Little did I know that a huge storm was waiting for me in 2014. I still believe this is true, and because God has helped me I will continue to help others. This is for someone out there: #Godhasnotforgottenyou #Godhasaplan #letgoandletgod and watch him turn all your tests into testimonies. Don't fret. via Instagram

WordPress is 15!

via Instagram More fun at #wp15 @WordPress 15th anniversary. There's a child in all of us 😇

Self love matters

via Instagram You see that ever-smiling ever-laughing ever-grinning attitude I have? It's in the genes.

What should top your priority list

via Instagram #Life is top on the priority list. Choose #Life and #peaceofMind if you find yourself in a toxic marriage. Reach out - God will always send a helper.